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Stocks Market
Trading, markets news and quotes
- Yahoo FinanceUpdate to date markets news around the world; real time index quotes; 15-minutes delay quotes for North American stocks; news releases; charts up to two years; personal stock porfolios
- CT Market PartnerCanada Trust 15-minutes delay quote showing last five trades and brokerage firms in transaction
- CSMRCanadian Stock Market Reporter 15-minutes delay quote with tick trend of last 8 trades; one-year charts
- Breaking newsLatest market news and articles from Canoe
- Canada NewswireReal time news updates
- Tronto Stock Exchange
- Canada Venture Exchange
- NetActionAction Direct - Royal Bank Discount Brokerage
- WebBrokerGreenline - TD Bank Discount Brokerage
Compagny news
Mutual Funds
- GlobeFundMutual Funds resource site by the Globe&Mail; daily market commentary; G&M articles; personal fundlist; market close price update; charts
- FundWatchMutual Funds resource site, prices, article, new releases; links to major financial news; exchange rates; gold and silver prices
- The Fund LibraryA dedicate Mutual Funds resource site, prices, articles, compagny news; enhanced personal porfolio; fund contest
- Fund CounselAnother mutual fund site with good resources, links, newsletters and analysis tools
- Fund TrendMutual fund charts
Personal Finance